Great skin starts here!


A typical Botox treatment starts with an assessment of your muscle movement and anatomy to find the cause of the lines that are bothering you. No two faces are alike! The injection process is virtually painless and takes less than 10 minutes!


There is no “down time” with this treatment and you can return immediately to work (making this the perfect lunch-time procedure) or your usual activities. I do recommend skipping your workout for the day and avoiding any facial massaging or treatments for at least 24 hours.


You will start to notice your results gradually over the next 5-7 days with full results at two weeks! Results typically last around 3-4 months. 


- Blood thinners eg. asprin, vitamin E, and warfarin may increase your chance of bruising. 
- Certain medications can increase the effect of Botox (aminoglycoside antibiotics) and others can decrease the effect of Botox (chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine). 
- You do not need to stop any medications that are prescribed by your doctor prior to treatment. 
- You should not get Botox treatments if you are pregnant or nursing.

Details to know:

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